Wednesday 3 March 2010

Puppy Watch: Nesting

No surprise, this is going to be a puppy blog for a while ;-)

Yesterday it was a "maybe" in the afternoon, this morning there are unmistakeable signs that Rumor is nesting. The blankets in the whelping box are in a rumpled pile, sort of circular.

The tray
on the left is the reflector part of the infrared heater. It was covered up, but no, Ru needed the blankets elsewhere.

The whelping box is set up in the study. Lots of privacy, good light, sliding door to the outside, and I spend a lot of time in here. And room for an air mattress for me, so I can sleep in here.

As for her due date, well, let me point out that Anthony arrives home for spring break on Saturday afternoon. So my entry to the puppy pool assumes the worst possible scheduling conflict. Oh well.


  1. Anthony home for spring break? Ah, well. Doubtless, Rumor will challenge your multi-tasking/multiple-focus attributes. Nice of her to give you a bit of warning. I'll burn joss sticks that it's just an idle threat to keep you on your toes.

    ps. you have email

  2. Yeah - I agree - she'll take care of the birthing while you are tending to Anthony. - let's see - 6 boys-3 girls beginnning at 15:28 Saturday ending at 04:36 on Sunday
