Monday 15 December 2008

Homecoming Queen

She's here!!!

I'm pleased to introduce Bugg, an 11 year old Connemara Pony.

Bugg has been living in southern California for the past few years with my friends on their ranch as a broodmare. The realities of the economic decline have affected the equine markets, forcing us to leave her open this year; with no plans for her for '09 either, I decided to bring her here and put her back in work. My neighbor, Elizabeth, has been itching for somebody to do Parelli with and this is a perfect opportunity for both of us.

Despite 8" of new snow today and 15 degree temps, Melissa of BlackJack Transport got Bugg here before bedtime. Melissa fell in love with Bugg in just a few hours (Connemaras win a lot of converts); Bugg came off the trailer, looked at the snow, and walked the 200 yards through a mild blizzard to her new stall. Let's hear it for sane ponies!!

Welcome home, sweet Bugg-a-boo. We're gonna have a lot of fun.

The above photo is from June 2006. Nice extended trot, eh? New pictures once we have some daylight.

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