Monday 13 April 2009

Damned if you do...

...and damned if you don't.

While purebred dog fans cautiously cheer the Obama's choice of a Portuguese Water Dog - will this be another breed ripe for exploitation by puppy mills? or spawn appreciation for the responsible breeders involved with these charming and versitile dogs? , the anti-faction has already started blogging about the "betrayal" on a campaign promise to adopt a shelter dog.

Spare me the outrage.

The Obama family has specific needs, rather unique requirements, if you think about it, and the family's choice should be a private, family matter. Kudos to Sen. Ted Kennedy for "presenting" the puppy to the First Family... though I have a suspicion that this is a cover story to spare the breeder what Joe Biden's choice stirred up. Three cheers for VP Biden for going to a responsible breeder, and shame on the "human beings" making death threats for his choice.

Enjoy Bo the puppy, kids, he will be a rowdy adolescent in no time.

1 comment:

  1. It will now be a breed ripe for exploitation by self-righteous shelters (you know - the ones filled with AR wackos that condemn breeders). Anything and everything sporting curly black hair will now bear the label of "Portugese Water Dog" in order to try and move it out and to use for inflating numbers of "purebred" dogs at the shelters in order to further tarnish dog breeders.
