Monday 2 February 2009

A Tale of Two Rings

Looking for a little drama? The stage awaits at your local dogshow.

The setting: an indoor multi-purpose sports facility with excessive overhead fluorescent lighting, six rings, nearly 900 dogs, a few hundred people, foolish expectations, and oversized egos.

Act I

The curtain rises on the Alphabet ring, judging already in progress. Outside the ring are many well dressed handlers, each holding the lead of multiple hounds. Above the din the voice of the steward can be heard, calling for a handler and hound for the winners bitch class. Inside the ring, the judge waits with a lone handler. That handler is calling for a friend and her bitch, by name, to hurry into the ring - there are points at stake! and she wants her friend's bitch to have a fair shot at them. After a long pause, the judge shrugs and hands the WB ribbon to the lone handler, who smiles apologetically, kisses her bitch, and leaves the ring. Everyone lingers for BOB judging, cheering sincerely as the judge points and handlers smile while shaking hands.

Act II

We are now across the hall in the Numbers ring, just before judging is to begin. Each hound awaits its turn; on the end of each leash is a Professional Handler. Some ignore their charges, some are in idle conversation, and some interact with their hounds in preparation for the competition. As one last handler arrives in time takes his hound's lead, another turns to him and makes threatening remarks just before entering the ring. As the minutes pass, dog and bitches enter and leave the ring in turn, the judge pointing her preferences succinctly. As they leave the ring for the last time, one handler is heard making offensive remarks to another. Moments later, a third handler rips the armband off her sleeve and hurls it into the trash.


Members of the public get up and leave their seats in bewilderment, wondering what all the animosity is about. The curtain comes down on this scene as the lights fade to black...

Perhaps drama, or even melodrama, doesn't really cover it. More like histrionics.

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