Wednesday 10 September 2008

Too much sorrow too quickly

Dogs never live long enough, but sometimes life is much too short.

A friend that co-bred a litter last year has lost one of the puppies she kept. There was a terrible accident. Despite best efforts and all precautions, sometimes the worst happens anyway. I had the pleasure of evaluating the litter at 8 weeks, this boy was sweet and lovely and dearly treasured by his owner/breeder. The puppies' mother was killed by a rattler this spring, now her pick boy is gone too.

I can not imagine bearing such a load, nor do I know how to make it lighter for her.

1 comment:

  1. The age old lament of a dog breeder may be your title here "too much sorrow too quickly", I'm not sure it's any consolation but it may just be the trade off for so much immediate joy that dog's bring. To experience the joy you have to brace yourself for the sorrow to come. Godspeed to your friends puppy.
